high rollers Review



Withdrawal time

Table of contents

Welcome to a journey through cyberspace where the casino meets the underground city. is not just a online casino; it is a digital haven for the adventurous and risk-taking souls. This is a place where neon lights never go out, where the adrenaline doesn't just drip, but gushes forward like a river in flood. Are you ready to suddenly find yourself in a world of rewards, bonus points, and endless possibilities? This is not your aunt Klara's cozy bingo, my friends. Settle in and let's dive into this nitrogen-fueled virtuality.

General information

Casino Name: is the name that rings through the sleepy streets with droning anticipation. A casino that promises both excitement and risk in the same breath. If the name hasn't already intrigued you, wait until you see what this digital madhouse has to offer.

Launch Date: When did enter the casino landscape?

That was back in the day when digitized gambling was still in its infancy. opened the doors to its virtual extravagant house in November 2017. A date that has already etched itself into the history books of online casino entertainment.

November 2017 was the month where everything changed—with a digital smash of champagne against the virtual hull. Embracing the chaos of the online gambling scene, the launch immediately raised the bar and set the bar for the competition. It was like a new Sheriff came to town, setting rules that no other casino had managed before.

Licenses and Regulation

Who's watching the guards: The regulators behind

Sometimes it feels like only God has more eyes on you than what we find in the world of regulators. So, who looks after the guardians themselves? From the Malta Gaming Authority to the UK Gambling Commission, there are many strict operators who ensure that every roll on runs smoothly and fairly.

Seals of Quality: Licenses and Certifications Held by

It is no coincidence that there are big deals at this casino. Did they brag a little along the way? Possibly. But when you have licenses from heavyweights such as the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission, you escape suspicion. Alas, the checklists and stamps don't lie.

If you have even a hint of skepticism when it comes to online casinos, you will find some solace in the countless licenses and certifications held by these guys. The Malta Gaming Authority, the UK Gambling Commission, and several others guarantee fair play and safety. Let's get ready to rrrrumble! Although, with all this background checking, you can rest assured that there is a fair match in every roll and spin.

Safety and Reliability

SSL encryption: The lock that keeps your data safe

SSL encryption isn't just a fancy technological term, it's the very lock that protects your sensitive information from nosy hackers and malicious digital goblins. When you see the little padlock in your browser, it's a signal that your visit to is as safe as a mistakenly-stopped dome roof in a mountain iron tower. Here we take your security questions seriously, not unlike a high roller who puts the ace in his trouser pocket to protect himself against fraud.

RNG Certification: The random number generator that ensures fair play

When it comes to justice, we cannot rely on luck alone. RNG certification ensures that the games at allow randomness to prevail, and not some biased loads that ensure the house always wins. This is our invisible but steadfast protector who ensures that your chances, like pirates, are real and fair.

More on RNG Certification: This random number generator, with its geeky accuracy and technology godsend, makes sure players have a fair chance in every game. With RNG certification, you avoid the feeling of being an innocent bystander in a predatory casino world. This stealthy technological marvel keeps the games honest and the adventure exciting, without false expectations or rigged outcomes. This means that every spin, every throw and every hand unfolds exactly as fate intended - completely fair.

Responsible Gambling:'s stance on problem gambling

Responsible gaming is more than a duty, it's an ethos written into our operational constitution. At, it's all about giving you an intense but positive gaming experience, without it slipping into the ungodly darkness of addiction. We provide resources and support, so you keep the chess pieces in play, and not yourself as a king on the brink of a move.

More about Responsible gaming: We understand that the lines between fun and addiction can be as thin as a newly drawn thread. At Highroller we take responsible gambling seriously and have a robust policy in place to keep the unwanted nuisance of problem gambling at bay. We offer tools and resource integral icons, from deposit limits to self-imposed game breaks, so you can roll the dice with savvy and self-awareness. We don't just trade in slot machines and card games, but also in preserving your mental health, because a winning head always plays better.

Payment solutions

Deposit Methods: How to Top Up Your Wallet on

Topping up your account on is a simple affair and only takes a few minutes. You can choose from a variety of methods such as credit cards, e-wallets and even cryptocurrency. Each method ensures that your money is safe and ready to use, so you can dive into the games without delay.

Withdrawal methods: This is how you withdraw your winnings

When it's time to withdraw your winnings from, the process is as straight forward as making a deposit. Choose your preferred withdrawal method, which can be anything from bank transfer to e-wallet, and follow the instructions. Money is withdrawn in a simple, safe and secure way.

Withdrawal methods at are designed to be as convenient as the deposit methods. You can expect the same reliable security and ease of use to ensure your winnings return to you in a hassle-free manner. Choose from several options and get your money quickly and without stress.

Processing times: How long do you have to wait?

So, how long does it really take before you can play with your money from The processing time may vary depending on the withdrawal method chosen. While electronic wallets often offer almost instant withdrawals, bank transfers can take a little longer.

Yes, patience is a virtue even in the gaming world, but tries its best to reduce the waiting time. Normally, e-wallets will deliver your funds within a couple of hours, while bank transfers can take up to 5 business days. Regardless of the chosen method, you will always be well informed about the status of your withdrawal.

Charges: Are there any hidden charges?

Now for the big question: Are you being charged hidden fees at The answer is mostly no. Most transactions are free of charge, but there may be some minor charges depending on the payment method you choose. It is always best to check the conditions for your specific method.

Nobody likes getting surprises, especially not financial ones. That's why makes sure to be transparent with its fees. Most deposit and withdrawal transactions are free of charge, but remember to check if your specific payment method has its own fees that may apply. The last thing you want is unexpected expenses eating into your winnings!


Channels for communication: Live Chat, Email and more

To serve all players around the clock, offers several communication channels. Do you have a burning bad hand or a technical ghost story? No need to panic. Choose between live chat, email and more. They're ready with digital medicine induction to help you land on both feet after every drip or roll of the dice.

Response Time: How quickly will respond to you?

The speed with which high rollers in tailored suits move in a casino can be compared to's response time. You blink and they're already there with an answer.

When it comes to response time, knocks the competition out of the park. This crazy idea of instant gratification lives on. You can expect quick and precise answers to your questions, especially via live chat. Their email support is also impressive, with responses usually coming within 12 to 24 hours. Telepathy? Not quite, but close enough.

Multilingual support: Service offer to international players

At it doesn't matter if you say 'Hello', 'Bonjour' or 'Hola'. They speak your language and offer multilingual support to ensure that no gambler is left in the dark.

Multilingual support is not just buzzwords. takes globalization seriously, which is why they offer customer service in several languages, from English and Norwegian to Spanish and German. It's like having a personal assistant who understands you, no matter where you come from. Jackpot for the international crunchers!

Game selection

Slots: A diverse selection of spinning wheels

Ladies and gentlemen, creep closer and let's dive into the sparkling world of slot machines! Here you will find a diverse selection, from classic fruit machines to theme-based video slots that will take you on adventures you could never imagine. These beauties with their spinning wheels are truly in a class of their own and provide hours of entertainment. Yes, on this site you can spin until you drop, and that's exactly how we like it.

Table games: Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat and more

Wait a minute! Do you realize what awaits you in the table games department? Here we are talking about timeless classics such as Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat and so many more. Yes, it is a treasure trove for the sophisticated player who lives and breathes the elegance and intrigue of table games.

For those who prefer a more tactical approach, these table games offer depth and finesse that slot machines can only dream about. Blackjack challenges you with its simple yet intoxicating strategy, while Roulette makes your heart beat faster spin. Baccarat, on the other hand, gives you the feeling of being one of the kings. The combination of sophistication and risk is nothing short of electric.

Live Dealer Games: The real casino experience

Don't imagine you have to go to Las Vegas to get the real casino experience. Here on the website you can enjoy live dealer games directly from the comfort of your own sofa. It's like bringing the whole casino right into your living room - without a dress code.

With HD streams and professional dealers, live dealer games take everything to a whole new level. You can chat with the dealer and other players while placing your bets like a real boss. The sense of excitement builds with each distribution and each round - it's almost like being able to smell cigar smoke and hear the chipping of chips. Are you ready for this experience?

Bonuses and Promotions

Welcome Bonus: A Warm Greeting from

At, new players are welcomed with open arms and a generous welcome bonus. It's about giving you the first nudge in the right direction, so you can start your adventure with a smile on your face. Fasten your seat belt and enjoy a start that really sets the tone.

Deposit bonus: Increases your bankroll

When it comes to keeping your gaming experience going, a deposit bonus is pure magic. adds extra goodies to your account every time you deposit, meaning you can play longer and explore more games.

The details? It's a pretty juicy percentage that is added to your deposits, often with extras free spins to sweeten the deal. It's like finding a false bottom in a treasure chest that never seems to end. Your bankroll gets a necessarily long-awaited vitamin injection every time.

Free Spins: Spins Free knows that nothing gets the heart racing more than spin which does not cost a penny. Get ready to spin the reels on some of the most popular slots without spending your own money.

Free spin is not just a nice bonus, they also give you the opportunity to actually win real money without any risk. Imagine flipping a big winning wheel and then watching your balance go up, without ever touching your wallet. Magic, or what?

Loyalty Program: Rewards for Loyal Players

For those who remain faithful to, a well-stocked loyalty program awaits. Here, your loyalty is always rewarded with perks, benefits and delights that add an extra star to your gaming experience.

This program is structured as a level system where you collect points for each effort you make. Climb up the exclusive levels and gain access to special bonuses, personalized offers and even invitations to exclusive VIP events. It's like being a member of a secret club, where only the most dedicated are allowed in.

Promotions and Tournaments: Extra Excitement and Rewards likes to keep the fun going with various promotions and tournaments that give you the chance to win big prizes. This gives an extra dose of adrenaline to your gaming experience.

These campaigns and tournaments vary from daily challenges to larger monthly events, always with exciting prizes in the pot. Put on your gaming hat and join the action-packed events where only the best are left with the prizes. It's not just games, it's a rotating carnival of possibilities. Ready to spin the wheel?

Mobile friendliness

User Experience: How Performs on Mobile Devices

When it comes to the mobile experience at, you really are taken by storm. The website adapts seamlessly to any modern gadget you might use. Whether you're on a shiny iPhone, or the old Samsung warrior that refuses to die, the experience is still buttery smooth. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making gaming and navigation a breeze - yes, even for those of us with residual nuclear exhaustion after our online casino nights.

Website design and Navigation

Registration process: Easy or troublesome?

Registering on is like taking a brisk walk through a neighborhood you already know well. With a few simple steps, you'll be up and running almost before you can sit down. But be aware, because there are always some antics that can distract you along the way. Overall, we would say that the registration process is quick and painless.

Deposits and Withdrawals: Smooth Sailing or Unrest at Sea?

Ah, your money, those lovely pennies that can turn a dull Sunday into a fever dream of winnings. The deposit and withdrawal process at is mostly smooth, but beware; sometimes it can feel like picking flowers in a storm. While most coincidences go smoothly, there is always the possibility of small annoying delays.

But let's dive a little deeper. Deposits can be made using a wide range of payment methods, ranging from credit cards to e-wallets and even cryptocurrency. When it comes to withdrawals, you can expect a similar amount of choice, but wait times can vary. Some users report lightning-fast transactions, while others have to be patient. As always, read the fine print and prepare for the unexpected.

Language support

Available Languages on the Website and Customer Service

Are you wondering how international a gaming platform can be? Well, it's safe to say that goes all-in with its language support. The website is available in several languages, including English, German, Spanish, Swedish and Norwegian. Yes, you read that right. Not only is it easier to navigate menus and game instructions in your own language, but customer service is also offered in multiple languages, so you don't have to fumble around in dictionaries while complaining about why the roulette ball always lands on zero.

Ratings and Reviews

Average User Rating: What Do Players Think About

The players have a lot to say about, and opinions vary like a kaleidoscope. Some praise its lush game library, while others complain about withdrawal times. The average user rating is a solid 4 stars, with users appreciating both the design and bonus schemes. So far, so good, but there is always room for improvement.

Editor's Review: A Critical Look at is like a front seat on a ride through the Las Vegas Strip in a convertible. It's glitzy, it's exciting, but is it really as good as it looks? Our editor has delved deep to bring you the unfiltered truth.

With an almost electric user-friendly interface and a varied selection of games, is not just any casino. They have prioritized both ease of use and security, which provides a solid experience. Still, higher wagering requirements for bonuses and some long withdrawal times can be frustrating for the more impatient players. In short, delivers a luxurious experience, but there are a few bumps in the road.

Responsible Gambling: Tools for the Exclusion and Prevention of Problem Gambling takes responsible gambling seriously and offers a variety of tools to help players stay on course. From self-exclusion options to deposit limits, here you'll find what you need to play safely and responsibly.

This online casino has integrated a number of responsible gambling tools that give players full control over their gambling behaviour. You can set time and monetary limits, take a cooling break or go so far as to permanently exclude yourself from the platform. It's like keeping a safety net under an acrobat - you can take risks but know you always have a safe way out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions and answers about

Are you ready to be seduced by a casino that has more attitude than your middle-aged uncle on his third margarita? is a universe where your chances are as wild as a Vegas nightclub at 3am. Wondering how to get started? Or are you just curious if it is safe to use? Yes, we've got you covered. Welcome to a world where the excitement never stops, and where the answers are as fast as your wildest dreams.

The Adventure at - A Look at Online Casinos That Break the Norms

Listen up, guys! If you've ever dreamed of wandering a city full of wild casino adventures, is the place to be. This place's statement about "urban casino gaming" is pure magic, and they have managed to turn the entire casino universe upside down. You will roam their virtual streets, pick up coins and steal from other players – all while playing your favorite slots! Yes, it's a wild ride, but in a world overrun with boring copycats, is the very pioneer, the rebel, the place that reminds us that life is a culinary melting pot of unpredictability. Trust me, this is not just a place to play, it's an experience to write home about.
